Josh Kolenik//Small Black


“I love Excel when I’m working on a song because I can go both vertical and horizontal when searching for the right words.”

If you see Josh Kolenik of Small Black at a cafe crunching numbers on a spreadsheet, he’s actually crunching lyrics to the next Small Black song.


Josh Kolenik of Small Black loves a good Excel file. He’s always been a big fan of spreadsheets and statistics, and this affinity plays a big role in his creative process. First, he fills journals with words and phrases that he hears and likes. He then transfers those words and phrases to an Excel file. Each journal gets its own file. He has, in his words, “a monster list of titles and phrases.”

When it’s time to write a song and he’s got a hook to work with, he heads right to the journal, “I go into a song with a loose concept of a hook, then go to the Excel file for words and images that fit that hook.” Kolenik doesn’t like using the same word or phrase too many times, so Excel offers an easy way to double check his work.

This is not to say that Kolenik is all numbers. He draws heavily from literary sources and reads voraciously. Kolenik starts his day by reading around 50 pages of a novel, and once he’s found an author he likes, he plows through that author’s entire canon without reading anyone else, as he just did with Jim Harrison. He’s also a big Raymond Carver fan. “I want to write songs that get into the world he’s in,” Kolenik told me.

Fun fact: Kolenik graduated from Colgate University and I used to teach there, but we missed each other by a year.

Small Black’s new album is called Cheap Dreams. Watch my interview with Josh Kolenik below!